I need to have another option where I can look at all the elements from the first model (for Start) and second model (for End ) and choose the element that I want. I created this third model and I used Load Resource in order to load the two models from which I want to reference elements, but I am not quite sure how to proceed, or if the third meta model is ok for what I am trying to achieve. Now when I create the model for this third meta model, I need to be able to reference an element from the first model for Start and reference an element from the second model as End. Now I am creating a third meta model that can reference elements from these two metamodels. I have two similar Ecore metamodels, and I have created two models respectively. Should I add starting from a main project folder or can I add to existing folder as subfolder ( as I did ) ?l Then add the necessary links / includes in 'project' -> setting ? If it makes a difference - what would be correct sequence in adding new source folder I have no idea where 'MODULE/MODULE_IOCTL came from I cannot add another branch to the parent folderģ. My 'MODULE' folder does not show the full children treeĢ.